Describing Eyes in a Creative Piece
A cliche known for eyes is that they are known as the windows of the soul, and although, like I said, this is seen as a cliche it is still very true. Even in real life with one look in a person's eyes you can see their emotions, if they are upset their eyes could be shining with tears. Eyes can also show what type of a person they are. Someone who has creases wrinkling out from the outside of the eyes will tell you that that person had a lot of laughs in their life. Whereas a person who has colours on their eyelids could be someone who has a love for make-up and even perhaps an outgoing person, depending if their make-up is shiny or not. Of course real life is different to the fictional world, with the examples that I have given might not always mean what I have said. But when it comes to writing, showing the detail of a person's eyes will tell the reader what you want them to know. Let’s talk about eye colour. Think about all the people you know and think about their eye c...